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Ubuntu Livepatch service now supports over 60 different kernels

Linux kernel getting a livepatch whilst running a marathon. Generated with AI. Livepatch service eliminates the need for unplanned maintenance windows for high and critical severity kernel vulnerabilities by patching the Linux kernel while the system runs. Originally the service launched in 2016 with just a single kernel flavour supported. Over the years, additional kernels were added: new LTS releases, ESM kernels, Public Cloud kernels, and most recently HWE kernels too. Recently livepatch support was expanded for FIPS compliant kernels, Public cloud FIPS compliant kernels, and as well IBM Z (mainframe) kernels. Bringing the total of kernel flavours support to over 60 distinct kernel flavours supported in parallel. The table of supported kernels in the documentation lists the supported kernel flavours ABIs, the duration of individual build's support window, supported architectures, and the Ubuntu release. This work was only possible thanks to the collaboration with the Ubuntu C...
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Ubuntu 23.10 significantly reduces the installed kernel footprint

Photo by Pixabay Ubuntu systems typically have up to 3 kernels installed, before they are auto-removed by apt on classic installs. Historically the installation was optimized for metered download size only. However, kernel size growth and usage no longer warrant such optimizations. During the 23.10 Mantic Minatour cycle, I led a coordinated effort across multiple teams to implement lots of optimizations that together achieved unprecedented install footprint improvements. Given a typical install of 3 generic kernel ABIs in the default configuration on a regular-sized VM (2 CPU cores 8GB of RAM) the following metrics are achieved in Ubuntu 23.10 versus Ubuntu 22.04 LTS: 2x less disk space used (1,417MB vs 2,940MB, including initrd) 3x less peak RAM usage for the initrd boot (68MB vs 204MB) 0.5x increase in download size (949MB vs 600MB) 2.5x faster initrd generation (4.5s vs 11.3s) approximately the same total time (103s vs 98s, hardware dependent) For minimal cloud images that do not in...

How to disable TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 on Ubuntu

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Encrypt all the things

xkcd #538: Security Went into blogger settings and enabled TLS on my custom domain blogger blog. So it is now finally a  However, I do use feedburner and syndicate that to the planet. I am not sure if that is end-to-end TLS connections, thus I will look into removing feedburner between my blog and the ubuntu/debian planets. My experience with changing feeds in the planets is that I end up spamming everyone. I wonder, if I should make a new tag and add that one, and add both feeds to the planet config to avoid spamming old posts. Next up went into gandi LiveDNS platform and enabled DNSSEC on my domain. It propagated quite quickly, but I believe my domain is now correctly signed with DNSSEC stuff. Next up I guess, is to fix DNSSEC with captive portals. I guess what we really want to have on "wifi" like devices, is to first connect to wifi and not set it as default route. Perform captive portal check, potentially with a reduced DNS server capabil...

Ubuntu Snowsports & Friends Team

Ubuntu Snowsports and Friends Team After talking to a bunch of people, I've realized that a lot of free & open source, debian / ubuntu, etc people do ski or snowboard. So I have this crazy idea, that maybe we can get enough people together to form a social team on Launchpad. And maybe if we have enough people there, to possibly try to organize a ski trip with or without conference talks. Kind of like a team building meetup / community event / UDS - Ubuntu Developer Snowsports trip, or maybe an Ubucon Snow. So here we go - please consider joining team, join the mailing list there, and/or hop onto IRC to join #ubuntu-snow on freenode. I hope we can get more members than

What does FCC Net Neutrality repeal mean to you?

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An interesting bug - network-manager, glibc, dpkg-shlibdeps, systemd, and finally binutils

Not so long ago I went to effectively recompile NetworkManager and fix up minor bug in it. It built fine across all architectures, was considered to be installable etc. And I was expecting it to just migrate across. At the time, glibc was at 2.26 in artful-proposed and NetworkManager was built against it. However release pocket was at glibc 2.24. In Ubuntu we have a ProposedMigration process in place which ensures that newly built packages do not regress in the number of architectures built for; installable on; and do not regress themselves or any reverse dependencies at runtime. Thus before my build of NetworkManager was considered for migration, it was tested in the release pocket against packages in the release pocket. Specifically, since package metadata only requires glibc 2.17 NetworkManager was tested against glibc currently in the release pocket, which should just work fine.... autopkgtest [21:47:38]: test nm: [----------------------- test_auto_ip4 (__main__.ColdplugEthe...