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Showing posts from October, 2009

Student Politics

This year I'm Athletic Union Treasurer, voting member of the Sports Zone committee and voting member of HUU council. For the past 2 council meetings we did not meet quorum. Leading to a chicken and egg problem: Loads of things are not ratified and a lot of people are not elected to sit on different committees. Some structural pieces struggled because of this (notably societies). UEC had a proposal to change the quorum pool 50%+1 of the elected council members instead of 50%+1 of the total possible amount of council members. UEC had a hung vote 2 vs 2. And chair of UEC made a deciding vote to pass this SO change such that council will vote on this (ratification vote). At the last minute 2 council members arrive (shortly before the vote). The council then votes 12 (in favour) vs 10 (against) vs 2 (obstension). Prove me wrong, but if not the last minute arrival of 2 people people council voting would have been a hung vote and the chair of council would have to take decidin