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Showing posts from December, 2013

Hi! My name is... (what?) My name is... (who?) My name is... Slim Shady

On the 21st of November I have become a British citizen, and on the 9th of December I have changed my name by signing a statutory declaration with the following clauses: I absolutely and entirely renounce, relinquish and abandon the use of my former name of Dmitrijs Ļedkovs and assume, adopt and determine to take and use from the date hereof the new name of Dimitri John Ledkov in substitution for my former name of Dmitrijs Ļedkovs. I shall at all times hereafter, in all records, deeds, documents and other writings and in all actions and proceedings, as well as in all dealings and transactions and on all occasions whatsoever, use and subscribe my new name of Dimitri John Ledkov in substitution for my former name of Dmitrijs Ļedkovs so relinquished to the intent that I may hereafter be called, known and identified by the new name of Dimitri John Ledkov and not by my former name of Dmitrijs Ļedkovs. I authorise and require all persons, at all times, to identify, describe and addre