dh-autoreconf is an amazing addon for running autoreconf, I just love it. abi-compliance-checker is an amazing tool for tracking API/ABI. Wouldn't it be great to glue abi-compliance-checker into dh / cdbs packaging?! abi-compliance-checker (1.98.8-1~exp1) experimental; urgency=low . * New upstream release * Add dh_acc to generate and compare library dumps at build time, together with addons for dh(7) and cdbs. * Bump standards version, bump debhelper to 9, use 3.0 (quilt) format, update Vcs-Svn field to canonical form, remove obsolete DM-Upload-Allowed. * Apply a patch to allow suffixes on a-c-c abi dumps. Horay! So how does one use it? build-depend on dh-acc In your debian/rules call dh_acc somewhere appropriate dh $@ --with acc include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/acc.mk In your debian/libpackage-dev.acc Write a abi-compliance-checker descriptor (n...
a personal blog of Dimitri John Ledkov